Godfrey’s Wall

Godfrey’s Wall

The year before I was married to Tasha, I spent the summer in Uganda, Africa. My brother Smooth and I stayed with the Wanamitsa family for 3 months as we assisted the ministry of Arise Africa International. Godfrey Wanamitsa is the director of Arise, a non-governement mission organization consisting of Ugandan nationals committed to reaching their country with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My dad’s ministry has partnered with Arise over the past 12 years sending a team of doctors, nurses and pastors every summer to assist with the enormous task of reaching the villages of Uganda with physical and spiritual help.

The Wanamitsas are an amazing family. They are Ugandan nationals who have answered God’s call to reach their nation for Jesus Christ. They have given their lives to that task. I was privileged to stay in their home for 3 months. Their children practically became my own.

This past week, we received word that the Wanamitsa’s home was invaded by thieves. The entire family, including their small children, were held at gunpoint as the invaders made off with every possible item of value including an undisclosed amount of money. No one was seriously injured, but as you can imagine, the family has been forever traumatized and scarred by such an incident. Godfrey’s wife, Joy, and the children are losing sleep over this terrorizing event and are continually fearful for their lives.

Doubtless this incident could have been prevented or at least hindered had a concrete wall and iron gate been constructed around their property as is the custom of the more elite African families. Unfortunately, the Wanamitsas were without this safeguard. Our ministry is requesting immediate financial assistance for the construction of a wall and gate around the Wanamitsa house to prevent any further tragedies from taking place.

The cost of this will likely be in the thousands of dollars. If you can sacrificially give to this cause, we would be grateful. The Wanamitsa family would be grateful. The children of God rising up in Uganda and the hundreds of souls coming to know Him because of the Wanamitsa family will be grateful.

Send your contributions to: Rick Via Ministries, P.O. Box 582, Blue Ridge, VA, 24064. Earmark “Godfrey’s Wall.”

May God bless you as you consider a sacrificial gift. And please pray for the Wanamitsa family that the Lord will bring peace and assurance of His providential hand in their lives.