God’s Glory on Display Through Our Trials

God’s Glory on Display Through Our Trials

What if the whole point of hardship and trial was to put the glory of God on display? What if it was about the magnification and celebration of God’s glory?

I actually think it is. In Exodus 10, God explains to Moses the reason that He continues to harden the heart of Pharaoh, when He could have very easily softened his hard heart to allow the Israelites’ escape.

He says, “I have hardened his heart and the heart of his servants, that I may perform these signs of Mine among them, and that you may tell in the hearing of your sons and grandsons how I made a mockery of the Egyptians and how I performed My signs among them, that you may know that I am the Lord.” (Ex. 10:1-2)

Here it is—the whole reason for the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart—the whole reason for the difficulty in fleeing Egypt—the whole reason for the hardship was so that God’s glory would be put on display—that it would be a lasting testimony of God’s faithfulness to His people—that future generations would know the faithfulness of YHWH, and as a result come to know Him.

So, what hardship are you enduring currently or what trial have just come through? And what would happen if you viewed the purpose of it in this way? To put God’s glory on display? Would it change your perspective and your attitude?

4 Responses

  1. Nydia says:

    Thanks for the reminder that in trail and in hardship God's glory is on display. Hope you guys are well looking forward to seeing you guys at Ridge on Feb 14.

  2. Nydia says:

    Thanks for the reminder that in trail and in hardship God's glory is on display. Hope you guys are well looking forward to seeing you guys at Ridge on Feb 14.

  3. Nydia says:

    Thanks for the reminder that in trail and in hardship God's glory is on display. Hope you guys are well looking forward to seeing you guys at Ridge on Feb 14.

  4. Nydia says:

    Thanks for the reminder that in trail and in hardship God's glory is on display. Hope you guys are well looking forward to seeing you guys at Ridge on Feb 14.

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