Green Ridge and God Still Moves

Green Ridge and God Still Moves

We’re back in Roanoke, Virginia this weekend doing a last minute gig with my dad at my parents’ home church here, Green Ridge. He’s sharing tomorrow night in the service about his ministry, casting vision to the church about what Rick Via World Reach Ministries is all about–namely, reaching the nations with the Gospel of Christ. Tasha and I will be leading in some worship and sharing about our ministry as well. Sort of a tag-team deal. Should be fun.

So, we’re here a day early because my parents offered to keep our kids all day so that Tasha and I could have a date day. Woot, woot! That hasn’t happened in a while. So, we’re pumped. We slept in, are now doing e-mail and blogs and will be headed out for the day in just a few minutes. Gotta love it!

One more thing: My Dad just released his new book, God Still Moves. Each chapter is an account of things he’s seen God do in over 30 years of ministry, both state-side as well as overseas. I read through it for him in preparation for it going to print, and was blown away by some of the first-hand accounts of the things that he has seen God do over the years. Hard-hearted people that he’s seen God save. Miracles that he’s seen God work. Pretty amazing stuff. This book will challenge you to see God’s presence at work in the everyday events of your life. Get it here.