"Josh Via’s Very Own Tract"

"Josh Via’s Very Own Tract"

“Back when I turned 15 I had a party at my house. I had some of my friends over and we made a movie, called the Steven Curtis Massacre. Then, a couple of months later my friend Ben came down for summer camp and we made another movie with Ben it it. Anyway, we showed them on the way to camp and had everyone rolling in the floor. Needless to say, after we made our first movie, the girls didn’t want to be outdone so they made a movie too. We got the idea of making a movie when one time I had Jeremiah over to the house. Him and my brothers and sister played some kind of tag game while I sat on my bed lip singing to some music, dressed like a dorko. After a while they all joined in and dressed up as idiots and mom got out the ole video camera and filmed away. Anyway that’s where the idea came from. And now our movies are like one of the highlights of our youth group. “Get to the point,” you might be saying. My point is, that just like those stupid videos we made caught on to other people and spread to other people, in the same way revival can spread throughout the entire world. Just because I sat on my bed one night and acted stupid while everyone else did what they wanted to do. It eventually led to more and more things. And so revival fires can start to burn, and things can start to happen when one person dares to be different. It only takes one.”

Now, I expect everyone to make some copies and start being “that ONE”.