

Sorry about the delayed explanation of this David Maynard character. When we were in Amarillo I had a best friend named David. He moved to Jacksonville when I was in 1st grade, but we kept in touch through letters. When we moved to Charleston as I was going into fourth grade David’s dad had some meetings that he needed to attend in Charleston, so he brought the fam. We hung out all day, and then he went home, and we began to loose touch. Fast forward over a decade. Dana and I started attending a church when we moved to Orlando, and Dana sat next to a lady named Elise in the choir. For over a year we got to know the people at the church and make music, etc. One day, I heard a frantic message on our answering machine from Elise, and she really wanted to talk to me. So I called her up, and she said, “I was driving down the road and wondering about that dear friend of my son’s back in Amarillo, Texas, and I couldn’t think of his name. Suddenly I realized that his name was Andy Litke!” Then she had to bring all the pictures of us from Kindergarten and 1st grade to show everybody at church. Finally David and I met again when he was home one weekend (he works on Wall Street now), and he looks exactly the same (just about 2 and a half feet taller and older). Turns out that about one month after we “met” he got engaged to a girl up in New York, and he wanted me to play at his wedding. So, last Saturday I played for his wedding, and in mom’s words, we experienced a “God thing.”