One Thing
Haven’t checked e-mail or blogged in almost 2 weeks. And boy was it good! Good to be back though. Hope you all had a blessed Christmas and joyous new year.
Here’s one thing I believe God wants do this year in my life:
- Take my prayer life to another level – Lately I’ve been reading alot about prayer. I’m reading the greats like E.M. Bounds and most recently Pete Greig of the 24-7 Prayer Movement started in England. And I’m being shaken to the core. I’m realizing that my daily conversation with the God who loves me immeasurably is pathetically small, de-evolutionizing into merely an honorable mention in my day-to-day walk. And I believe that God is saddened by this recent trend. But I also believe that He is waiting expectantly and with a heart full of hope that this trend is soon going to change. Thank You, Lord. May it be so. AMEN.
What about you? What does God want to do in your life this year?