Photos Galore

Photos Galore

Tasha sneaks a photo opportunity

Tummy time

Tasha’s mom (Nonnie) getting in some cuddle time

Tasha and Cai the day after he broke into our world

Zeke loving his little brother

My mom (Meme) loving her 7th grandbaby

My sister, Joy, coming in for a visit

Tasha’s dad (G-Daddy) steals a kiss

Not a whole lot to do in the hospital except cuddle a lot

2 Responses

  1. Kelly Via says:

    Love the first one where you two are both OUT!! I have a few of Jonathan like that…but his eye is not open and freakish like yours…ha. Cai is so so cute, I love the tummy time pic.

  2. Jennifer Hambrick says:

    I agree with Kelly…I love the first one! It made me laugh out loud!

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