Psalm 23

Psalm 23

On this January first I had to prepare a sermon, and I thought that I would share my passage with you all. I hope it encourages you, and maybe later we can talk about literary structures and poetic images that get me so excited.

A Psalm of David
1. I Am is my Shepherd; I will not want. 2. In pastures of fresh grass he lets me lie;
Beside quiet waters He guides me. 3. My soul he restores;
He leads me in paths of righteousness for the sake of His name.

4. Even though I walk in the valley of shadowy death I will not fear evil,
because You are with me. Your rod and your staff – they comfort me.
5. You prepare before me a table in the presence of my oppressors;
You revive my head with oil, my cup to saturation.

6. Indeed, goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will return to the house of I Am for length of days.

So the publishment is pending, but I hope you enjoy the woodenness anyway.