Running Out

Running Out

This verse spoke to me today:

“…for the Devil has come down to you with great fury,
because he knows he has a short time” (Revelation 12:12).

In its context, the verse is dealing with end times. But I think it’s just as appropriate and applicable right now.

Yesterday was a rough day of ministry. I think we all have those from time to time. Details are not important. It just happens. And I’m not one to see the devil hiding behind every rock, but I do think that he came down in great fury yesterday, because he knows his time is short. It probably wasn’t him, since he’s not omnipresent, but at least one of his demons. Trying to discourage me. Trying to derail me. Trying to stifle the work of God in our family and ministry, especially when God wants to show up and do something big. So, praise God, I woke up to read this verse (non-coincidentally) which gives me the triumphant confidence to say, “God is still on His throne, He will always receive the praise and glory He’s due, and the devil’s time is running out!” So, to my friends in ministry, to my friends making a difference in the American workforce, and to my friends in about 9 different countries around the world, remember this:

Stand strong against the devil’s fury, because his time is running out.