

Okay, the title needs a little work, but I’m drawing a blank. I got to talk to Josh for quite a while today. They are doing GREAT! They had a great day of ministry. Yesterday they got to get into one of the most prestigious high schools in the country. They weren’t expected to get in at all but Josh and his dad’s interpreter used to be a student at this particular school, so they had a connection. They got to share in several of the classes. Today they went back and the school was having some kind of school-wide event and Josh was able to open up the function with a few songs and shared in-between. He seemed pretty excited about it all. The whole trip has been so fruitful. There is a basketball team with them as part of the mission team who are sharing and they have had quite an impact. Over 400 souls have come to know Christ if I’m correct. Praise the Lord for the plentiful harvest and the willing workers to go out and make the Lord’s name famous!