Six Years of Marital Bliss

Six Years of Marital Bliss

Tasha and I celebrated 6 years of marriage on Easter Sunday. It was awesome to be able to sit back and worship with my family at their home church in Roanoke, VA (Green Ridge Baptist Church) and then spend the next 2 days with my beautiful bride while my parents graciously took the kids. I’m convinced that free babysitting is a small taste of heaven on earth. And since it’s free, I conveniently turn a blind eye to my dad’s stereotypical grandpaish ability to feed the kids endless amounts of delights from the sugar food group, and being Easter, there was no small amount of yumminess to be had (And my mom wonders why Rainy won’t eat her meals. Hmm …) But Tasha has no problem giving my dad a piece of her mommy mind (in a loving, Christian way) when she feels that he’s reached the point of abusing his grandpa privileges–more often than not, I’m afraid. I have to hand it to him though, he did much better this time, but only because my mom stayed on him. Good work, Dad.

After consuming my mom’s incredible Easter dinner, Tasha and I traveled up to Lexington, VA and visited some of the historic landmarks. We got a hotel, visited Natural Bridge (one of America’s natural wonders and, for bragging rights, taller than Niagara Falls), toured the caverns, took a nature walk, saw a movie, ate out like a bazillion times, and kissed a little bit. Things like that. A great time was had by all. Here’s a few shots of our weekend, as well as a little video of our spelunking experience. It was pretty crazy what we saw down there. Take a look.