Tid-bits from the Litke (younger one) household

Tid-bits from the Litke (younger one) household

  • Tid-bit #1: We saw a 700 lb. pumpkin at our produce store.
  • Tid-bit #2: If you have problems with fruit flies in your humble abode, simply pour some beer in a glass/bottle/etc. and watch the flies enter, get drunk, and die. It works like a charm.
  • Tid-bit #3: This is the end of the first quarter at The Geneva School. While preparing grades I had a lovely discussion with another teacher concerning a student that we both have. This teacher said in conclusion: “Do you know Ellie’s future occupation? Trophy wife.” I agreed, and we shared an evil, teacher chuckle for a couple minutes. (I’ll probably be struck down for this one, but I was amused at the time.)