Travels, Remodels and John Hyde

Travels, Remodels and John Hyde

It’s been a pretty hectic couple of weeks around the Via house. Leading worship four times over the weekend plus a christian school chapel leaves one delirious on Monday morning. Tasha and I also squeezed in time to remodel our home office since we’re spending so much time in here these days doing things for the ministry. It has a much cozier, Carabou Coffee feel and is extremely conducive for reading, writing, recording, learning the alphabet with Rainy’s Leap Frog, wiping up Zeke’s regurgitated lunch or just about anything.

On another note, we received confirmation this week that our CD “The End to Which I Strive” will arrive on February 28th and will be available as we travel and for download online. Thanks so much to all of you who have donated funds to help us finish this project. We are so grateful. Be praying for and expecting a new project late in the year that we’re already working on.

Finally, here’s a quotable I came across this week. I’m reading a biography of John Hyde, a 19th century missionary to India. Though he was physically limited due to a slight deafness, he labored on for many years in India. Threatening to pull him off of the field, his mission board declared him too physically limited for the difficult task of language learning necessary to reach the Indians. Knowing this, Hyde’s village who had come to know him and love him made this rebuttal,

“If he never speaks the language of our lips, he speaks the language of our hearts.”

I’ll let that statement hang by itself. Make the application in your own life.