Update on My Dad

Update on My Dad

Most of you know by now that my dad suffered a mini-stroke on Tuesday night after preaching a meeting in Charleston, SC. Amazingly, the doctors don’t expect any permanent brain damage. It was really scary there for about 4 or 5 hours in the emergency room, but he has fully recovered and all of the tests are coming back normal. Praise the Lord! Thank you all for praying for him and our family.

For those of you who don’t know my dad, here’s a post that my youngest brother, Jacob, wrote earlier today on our family blog. This should give you some idea of the kind of person Rick Via is and his legacy.

“If I were to attempt to describe all that our dad is, it would be something like this:

My dad is my hero.

He is a man of integrity, who hasn’t used a computer in years and covers the TV with a blanket in a hotel room. He continuously goes out of his way to make sure his heart is guarded. He is completely and utterly committed to practicing spiritual, moral, ethical, and sexual purity.

He is patient, kind, and slow to anger. He is a committed husband and dedicated father. He is faithful, trustworthy, and reliable.

He constantly worships his Creator and consistently intercedes for his family.

He is completely selfless and full of humility. He is not prideful in his ministry. He serves the Lord whole-heartedly without remorse. He cares not for the approval of man but for the adoration of God. He is not a celebrity in this culture but a hero in our home.

He is a disciple of Christ and the leader of his family. He is humble in character yet bold in sharing the Gospel.

He is authentic, true to his word, and faithful throughout. He would be the first to admit his mistakes, confess his sins, and make known his imperfections.

He fears the Lord. Serves God. Love his family. Cherishes his wife. Protects his kids. Defends his faith.

He relates to his kids. He communicates his concerns, his passions, and his love clearly and eagerly.

He is disciplined in all he does. He prays continuously. He studies the Word consistently. He takes care of his body enthusiastically.

He provides for his family devotedly. He leads his family spiritually. He protects his family resiliently. And he loves his family fervently.

He serves God faithfully. He worships God authentically. He trusts God expectantly. And he follows God intently.

He is my mentor, my pastor, my accountability partner, and my friend.

He is my hero and my dad.

“The godly man walks with integrity; blessed are his children who follow him.”
Proverbs 20:7

Dad, we love you so much and are so thankful for you. You gave us a good scare Tuesday night. But we know that God is in control. Thank you for teaching us that.

Mom, the crazy part is, in light of the above description of Dad, you are his better half. What an amazing wife and mother you are! Seeing you there in the hospital room with dad, the Lord confirmed again just how wonderful you are. I love you mom.

We have some amazing parents. Thank you Lord.” – Jacob Via