Vacation Reading 2
Just finished Avoiding the Greener Grass Syndrome by Nancy Anderson. This is a great read with practical steps to building and maintaining affair-proof hedges or boundaries in your marriage. It was good for me to read because most of the books on purity that I’ve read have been by men. But Nancy helped to open my eyes to the woman’s perspective on marital purity. There were several great takeaways for me:
- “If you change your behavior, your feelings will follow. Some people object to this method, saying it’s not genuine, they feel like they’re putting on an act … Remember that married love is not a feeling–it’s a decision.”
- “If your ‘me’ time is crowding out your ‘we’ time, your marriage might be in danger.”
Planting Hedges:
- In your Workplace – “If you feel an attraction to someone in your workplace, consider a transfer to a different department, a different position, or maybe you should just quit.”
Workplace Guidelines with Opposite Sex
1. People of the opposite sex should not ride in the car together without a third party present.
2. Don’t make personal phone calls to another employee of the opposite sex.
3. Don’t have lunch with the same person every day. Move around the lunchroom, and if you go out to a restaurant, go in a group.
4. Make sure your e-mails are not inappropriate or flirtatious.
5. Talk about your spouse in positive terms.
6. Be careful not to make any lingering eye contact.
7. The only appropriate touch between business associates of the opposite sex is a handshake.
There’s alot more I could highlight from this book, but I’ll leave it with that. This is a quick and easy read, with a ton of practical help for couples seeking to affair-proof their marriages. I highly recommend it.