What It’s About
I’ve got to give a shout-out to my good friend Scott Spruill and Crosspoint Church in south Charlotte. Scott is the worship pastor at Crosspoint and has become a dear friend. He played keys on our latest record and did a phenomenal job. He’s been pushing our CD like crazy to his church community there in the Balantyne area and he informed me the other day of what their church was able to accomplish through CD sales*. Just through CD sales alone they raised enough money to feed 5 needy families during the Thanksgiving holiday! And that doesn’t include all of the other insane outreach their church is doing to reach the down and out. Scott, thanks so much for your heart for the Lord and for the fringe of society! That’s why our ministry exists. I’m blessed to partner with you.
*When you purchase Josh & Tasha’s merch, just know that none of it goes into our pockets. It all goes back into ministry efforts to reach the lost and to bless Christ’s bride. And a large part of it goes directly overseas to help plant churches, provide for widows and orphans and to train local pastors in Uganda, Africa through our partnership with Arise Africa International. Thanks.