Lately Tasha has been trying to educate me in the world of frugality lingo. If you start researching some of these frugality blogs, such as, etc. etc. you’ll soon discover this truth–they have their own dialect. It mainly consists of turning nouns into action verbs as in this example: “Well, I’m going out CVSing. Be back in a few.”) And then there’s the ever-popular abbreviated words phenomenon, as is commonly used in texting. One abbreviation that I’m finally becoming privy to is the word BOGO. Often the context will not even let you in on what this word means. I’m convinced it’s part of a larger plan from the couponing frugality world to eventually take over the world–small strides in changing the world’s language can go a long way.
Anyway, this weekend Tasha and I are on a BOGO anniversary weekend. Next weekend we celebrate 7 years of marriage. Woot! But we’re celebrating this weekend, because my sister Joy offered to come and watch the kids for free all weekend! So, we prayed about it for 2 seconds and said “heck yea!” So, since money doesn’t grow on trees at our house, our anniversary weekend is all “Buy One Get One Free!” *(Hence BOGO). We’ve got the Entertainment book with tons of options for eating out at half price. We’ve got coupons galore from my religiously frugal wife. And we’ve still got random gift cards from this or that. So, that’s our weekend. It’s been awesome so far! We’ve had a few things planned, but overall we’re just flying by the seat of our pants. I love this woman. 7 years and still madly in love! Praise God!