
Crazy Animal Story Part 4 (squirrel, penguin, eagle, …)

I pulled into RTS the other morning, and I looked up to find a raccoon sitting there about 10 ft. in front of my car, cleaning himself on the parking lot. I thought to myself, “Self, that’s odd.” So I sneaked out of my car and walked inside. I went to my meeting and then…
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Here it is…

Well, here is my post. Boys are crazy, girls are cute, but boy they all sure can poot! Hope everyone is having a happy Thursday, right, Thursday?!

Enter the Worship Circle

Just finished Enter the Worship Circle by Ben Pasley. Ben is a worship leader, song writer and creative writer. The book is evangelistically driven, with hopes that an unbeliever will pick it up and be hooked because of the spiritual hunger of this generation. His main goal is to argue that the spiritual hunger in…
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Enter the Worship Circle

Just finished Enter the Worship Circle by Ben Pasley. Ben is a worship leader, song writer and creative writer. The book is evangelistically driven, with hopes that an unbeliever will pick it up and be hooked because of the spiritual hunger of this generation. His main goal is to argue that the spiritual hunger in…
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I think this has turned into the Tasha blog lately=(

but I just had to share the good news!!!! I just went grocery shopping and I saved $66.71 today and got my groceries for well under $100. That is a first!!! Yeah, I’m telling ya’ll. You have got to try this Grocery Game Thing=)