Reformation Polka
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The guys might like this!
One of the fondest Christmas memories I have was receiving some dearly-coveted SpyTech gear. Do you remember SpyTech? It must have been Christmas 1988 and I got the long-range microphone and the periscope. You should have seen our expressions when my brothers and I learned that the art of parental-spying that we had come to…
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One of the fondest Christmas memories I have was receiving some dearly-coveted SpyTech gear. Do you remember SpyTech? It must have been Christmas 1988 and I got the long-range microphone and the periscope. You should have seen our expressions when my brothers and I learned that the art of parental-spying that we had come to…
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So, upon having the privilege of taking my boys to the OB/GYN yesterday, I thought I would come up with a top five list of ways to know you are pregnant. You know you are pregnant when…1. You get to pee in a cup EVERY doctor visit. See if you can figure out who made…
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