

So, here is the deal. We get all packed, head off to bed, and just like in the old days, we lay there for several hours and can’t get to sleep (the word “excited” comes to mind…). We just drift off to sleep, say for 6 or 9 minutes, and the stupid alarm goes off.…
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finger prints

Yesterday I cleaned little finger prints off the television and entertainment center. I couldn’t get rid of all of them. There’s still some on the windows.

Are We There Yet?

Playlists 11.18.07

Wow! 2 blog posts in a row! That’s never happened before.Yesterday was a great Lord’s Day. In the morning, we led worship for South Pointe Fellowship in Pageland, SC. South Pointe is a brand new church plant, led by Pastor Kevin Qualls, that launched on Easter Sunday of this year with 30 people. Now, the…
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