
I Am Not Losing To My 16 month Old!!

It is now 2:14 and it’s been a rough afternoon for our “sweet” little boy. Basically it is the battle of the wills for this little guy and you would never believe how STUBBORN he is. He knows how to sign and his favorite is “please” and “thank you”. Well, I got him up from…
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Stubborn Little Boy

I do believe that we have one of the most stubborn little 16 month olds in the world. He is so hard headed sometimes. Here is just one example of what we are dealing with. Around 6 months of age we started teaching sign language to both of our kids. Areyna was a pro at…
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last weekend

Our time in South Carolina was great. Dad presented at a home on Saturday night and for a combined Sunday school class Sunday morning. He did great, of course. He had been fighting a cold all week, so was glad that his voice held out. I must admit that I was a little anxious about…
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Penguin encounter

So, gigs introduce me to some of the most interesting people, and they also take me to some of the most interesting places. Last night I went to play for a reception, and the details that I was given beforehand were pretty limited. All I knew was that I was supposed to show up at…
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A True Scoutmaster

Deedee and I have been sorting through some boxes here at the house and we found a picture of Papa that I thought everyone might like. It is by far my favorite all time scouting picture. Who can find Papa in the picture?