
Ministry in the Classroom

We began our day today by doing some ministry in an English classroom at Hannam University – a campus that practically shares a backyard with Daejeon Central Baptist Church. One of our interpreters is an English professor there and he was able to get us an audience with one of the classes for a 50-minute…
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Hairless Crispies

So last night was a huge night for The Geneva School. We had two really big events happening at the same time. First there was to be an open house for prospective parents (about 50 RSVPs), and the second event was the single biggest sports game the school has seen in their short history. The…
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Send Blankets

It’s going to be the coldest day we’ve had in Orlando thus far this year. Please send blankets quickly! Governor Charlie Christ is about to declare a state of emergency. High of 70ยบ!!!!!

Update from Korea

Hey guys, just wanted everyone to know that we’re doing well here in Korea. Things are going great. People are being saved and the Lord is really working. I miss you guys. Robbie and Larry, I can’t wait to see you next week. Love you guys.

Costly Worship

We just finished up Day 4 of our week and a half of ministry here in Korea. During the day we’ve been visiting people in their homes and businesses – friends of church members. These people are serious about doing whatever it takes to get their friends to Jesus. Their faith is amazing. In the…
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