
We Do Not Negotiate

Picture this: Moses is standing before Pharaoh. Nine horrific, unfathomable, devastating plagues have come and gone. Finally, Pharaoh is willing to broker a deal with Moses. Hard-hearted Pharaoh has finally reached his max, and he presents a deal to Moses. Imagine Moses. Exhausted from the magnitude of his calling. Completely spent. Hoping the end to…
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It’s Not Against Us

Exodus 16:8 – “…Who are we? Your grumbling is not against us but against the Lord.” In the midst of God’s great provision for His people in the wilderness, they continued to complain.  He gave them manna from heaven.  And still they grumbled.  He gave them quail.  And still they grumbled.  Bitter water became drinkable,…
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Guest Post – David Weischedel

So many times we are confronted with the question about how a God that is “invisible” or “untouchable” can actually care about us humans down here on earth. Maybe you are struggling with this question as a skeptic of Christianity or even as a strong believer. Regardless, we all face doubt in different ways. Our…
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Wake Up!

This past weekend, I had the privilege of leading worship for Grace Community Baptist Church in Richmond, VA.  This was their annual student winter retreat. My buddy, Ed Martin, the student pastor, also asked if I would teach the session on Saturday night on God’s heart for those in need, and to incorporate some of…
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Bigger Than the Bunny

It’s here!  The first copy of my wife’s book, So Much Bigger Than the Bunny, just arrived today.  And we’re all pretty stoked around here at the Via house.  Over a year ago, the Lord put the desire in Tasha’s heart to write a devotional book for families that explains the significance of the resurrection…
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