
A Via Family Worship Experience

Here’s some light-hearted family fun for your Monday afternoon.

Chocolate Cake and Little Decisions

Sometimes it blows my mind how God uses our children in our lives to teach us things about Him or about life, or about the world and our condition. Things that we should have seen on our own, but it often takes the lips of a child to communicate it in a way that makes…
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The love of my life, Tasha Joy, turns 32 today.  As Rainy and I were putting the number candles on her cupcakes today, the two got reversed to read, “23” –the age she was when we were married.  The age she still looks to me.  Not a day goes by when I don’t thank the…
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Year’s End Prayer

The Valley of Vision, a collection of puritan prayers, is one of my favorite devotional reads. As I reflect back on 2010, with it’s highs and lows, I am incredibly grateful for the grace and goodness of God needfor every situation, every obstacle, every day, every moment. And a prayer I found in V.O.V. entitled…
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Christmas Eve Night of Worship

If you live in the Raleigh area and you don’t have plans for Christmas Eve, you need to make sure you’re at Journey Church for an amazing night of worship called “Take the World, But Give Me Jesus.”  It’s gonna be such a great night of worship as we focus on, sing to, celebrate, and…
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