
Worship Happens When Feet and Hair Collide

This morning I received an email from a fellow worship leader asking if I would clearly spell out my personal definition and biblical understanding of worship.  So, I thought that what I would do is post it here on the ole bloggy blog with the hopes that it might be a help to many of…
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Standalone message today at Journey Church by none other than our own Paul Crouthamel.  What a great dude!  So passionate about community within the body–about seeing people plug into small groups–seeing people do life together–seeing believers hold each other accountable in their walks with Christ.  Great message from Acts 2 about what real biblical community…
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When Victory is god

In Judges 6-8 we read the amazing story of Gideon.  Gideon was a young man whom God chose to be one of the great warriors who would deliver God’s people from the harsh rule of the surrounding Midianites.  The ironic thing is that Judges 6:15 explains that Gideon came from the smallest tribe of Israel…
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The First, The Last on iTunes

It’s official! The First, The Last finally hit iTunes today.  Thanks to all you guys who have filled my inbox and tweetdeck with encouraging notes. And thanks for helping to make it to #27 so far in the Gospel music category on iTunes.  Pretty overwhelming actually. This has definitely been one of the coolest and…
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Coming Home

Whatever you’re doing right now, you need to stop and immediately go download this new album “Coming Home” by my good friend and worship leader, Travis Agnew.  Travis and his wife Amanda are in the final stages of their adoption. They will be bringing home their little boy, Eli, from Ethiopia very soon.  But as…
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