
Meant For Me

It’s a pretty amazing thing when after opening the Word to communicate to a group of twenty-somethings and wondering if you’ve connected with them at any level whatsoever, a young man approaches you and proceeds to tell you how everything you spoke on was meant for him–even the smallest of details–like you had been rummaging…
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A Long, Fruitful Week

Week Recap: Sunday, 5-3 thru Wednesday, 5-6 – I joined my Dad for a 4-night revival meeting in Chatham, VA at Marion Baptist Church.  I love whenever I get to partner with my Dad.  He’s my hero–always has been, always will be.  He has faithfully preached the infallible truths of God’s Word with passion and…
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The Best Mommy

When Admiration Turns South

What happened between this verse, When David came to Saul and entered his service, Saul admired him greatly, and David became his armor-bearer. (1 Samuel 16:21) and this verse So Saul watched David jealously from that day forward. (1 Samuel 18:9) ? Early on in Saul’s relationship with David, Scripture says that he admired David.…
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Reading Habits: Odd or Normal?

I’m in the middle of about six books right now. I don’t know why I do this to myself. It just happens. I guess I just get excited, jump the gun and start one before I can finish another. But maybe it’s because they each have their own particular context in which they fit more…
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