
This is Our God

I’m wearing this out right now. Luvin’ it. Especially track 1 “Your Name High,” track 3 “Desert Song,” and track 7 “Stronger.” “Healer” is pretty sweet too and has an amazing story behind it. Check it out here.

God is the Gospel

Just finished Piper’s God is the Gospel. (couldn’t quite finish it on vacation) In one word: butt-kickin’! (Okay, two words) Here are some thought-provoking quotables for ya: “The good (of the ‘good news’) is God himself seen and savored in all his glory.” p. 37 “God is the gospel. That is, he is what makes…
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Vacation Reading 3

Just finished Showdown by Ted Dekker. I love Ted Dekker. And I love his stuff. Much like the Circle Trilogy, the Messiah-theme becomes the scarlet thread woven throughout the story. Christ’s subsitutionary atonement and man’s redemption is the major revolving theme throughout the story. He’s a master at character and plot development. And his understanding…
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Vacation Reading 2

Just finished Avoiding the Greener Grass Syndrome by Nancy Anderson. This is a great read with practical steps to building and maintaining affair-proof hedges or boundaries in your marriage. It was good for me to read because most of the books on purity that I’ve read have been by men. But Nancy helped to open…
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Vacation Reading

Just finished reading My 2nd Chapter: The Matthew Ward Story. It’s Matthew’s autobiography about his seventeen years on the road with The Second Chapter of Acts, one of contemporary Christian music’s first big groups birthed out of the Jesus Movement. It also recounts his unbelievable battle with cancer among other things. There were several great…
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