Category: Uncategorized

Meditation on Leap Year

In many ways, Leap Year feels extremely unique and extraordinary, rare and somehow important. It only comes around every four years (although I recently learned it’s not every four years). Nonetheless, Leap Year is certainly important as we track the earth’s yearly orbit around the sun. That quarter day is crucial for the earth to…
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Sharing Jesus’ Love in Guatemala

Our team from Seven Marks Church recently returned from Antigua, Guatemala where we served for one week with partners, Chad and Jami Bader and Transformando Vidas. Though political unrest caused us to postpone the original trip set for October 2023, the political atmosphere finally calmed down allowing us to make the trip in January instead.…
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Garden City

Garden City: Work, Rest, and the Art of Being Human. by John Mark Comer My rating: 5 of 5 stars Having read two of Comer’s more recent books, I finally came around to this earlier one from 2015. The reader can see pretty quickly how Comer’s thoughts on Sabbath and rest were taking their infancy…
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Creating a Culture of Thanks

On New Year’s Eve 1961, Dr. W. A. Criswell stood before his congregation at the First Baptist Church Dallas, Texas, and for nearly five hours preached an epic message tracing what he called “the scarlet thread of Scripture” through every book of the Bible. With captivating authority, Criswell revealed how the theme of Christ’s blood…
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Dress Your Horse

“A horse is prepared for the day of battle, but victory comes from the Lord” (Proverbs 21:30). This verse hangs on the wall in the arts office at Journey, because it’s a value that we believe strongly in. It’s the value of excellence. We want people to leave the weekend worship experience feeling like they just met…
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