Meditation on Leap Year
In many ways, Leap Year feels extremely unique and extraordinary, rare and somehow important. It only comes around every four years (although I recently learned it’s not every four years). Nonetheless, Leap Year is certainly important as we track the earth’s yearly orbit around the sun. That quarter day is crucial for the earth to complete its cycle around the sun, though we allot it all at once on the all-important fourth year. But in the end, this is mankind’s way of measuring something that God designed. And when it comes to time, every day is unique and unpredictable, not just February 29. Every day is here today and then gone to the annals of history. And while we carry history uniquely in our bones and memory, what we have promised is only today. We can’t repeat yesterday and we aren’t guaranteed tomorrow. So, may we number our days and gain a heart of wisdom (Ps. 90:12).
O Lord, would You help me number my days. Help me see the finiteness of who I am. Merely dust. Help me to embrace my limitations that I may more fully live into the present that You have given me–that I may bring honor and glory to You, the infinite Creator, the eternal outside-of-time Sovereign God of the universe–that I may honor and love You with my small, temporary, fleeting life, until You bring me into my eternal rest in my eternal home. Amen.
1 Corinthians 15:47, 49 – “The first man was from the earth, a man of dust; the second man is from heaven . . . Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven.”