Eikon Camp
It’s Day 4 at Eikon Camp here in Myrtle Beach, SC with Journey Church students. The Lord has been moving pretty mightily among the students here, and it’s been such an awesome privilege to hang with them and get to celebrate Jesus together. My brother, Smooth, has been bringing the Word strong every session, though one session was led by Wesley Matlock and the other by myself last night.
I spoke from Romans 8:15-17 about our adoption as sons and daughters into God’s family–about the gifts of adoption.
1. Adoption brings release from fear, and
2. Adoption brings all the rights and privileges of being a son or daughter of the King.
It’s been awesome having Scott Spruill here this week with me to share the worship leading role. He killed it last night with John Mark’s “How He Loves.” As Scott and the band led it, the Holy Spirit showed up in a powerful way. Students were dealing with stuff in their lives and spent several hours in their small groups after the session talking, praying and crying together.
The band has been doing a ridiculous job, as well–Wesley Matlock, Steven Sharpe, Lance Fletcher, Micah Brown, and Scott Spruill. These guys make an awesome support team. We appreciate your prayers as we finish out this week. It’s been an awesome four straight weeks of student camps, but I am definitely feeling the exhaustion kicking in and can honestly say I’m looking forward to some time at home with my family for the next couple of weeks. Thanks for praying.