
Night of Worship 8-29-07

Playlist for Southbrook Night of Worship 1. Sanctify (Return Worship – Josh Via, Dan Rutty, Andy Cherry)2. Sing to the King (Billy Foote)3. Yearn (Shane and Shane)4. Lord, You Are (Traditional)5. Carried to the Table (Leeland Mooring)6. Grace Flows Down (Passion)7. Just Fall (Via)8. King on His Way (Return Worship – Via)9. Mighty to Save…
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Date Night!

Well, after my one and only violin lesson, Josh and I dropped off the kids at Geoffrey and Nancy’s house and left them there until tomorrow!! They have 3 kids (3, 10 and 12) and Areyna and Kelsi get along really well. Then we got a quick bite to eat and then we went to…
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Chad and future events

So, I’m not sure what a blog is, but it seems to me that it is shorter than my epistles. (Please educate me). Therefore, I will write another blog about future events, and keep things separate. Dad has been busy writing emails and trying to get the trip set for Chad. If you would pray…
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Two Tenors, etc.

Okay, I have waited all day to sit down and spend some time with you. This is oh so cool. I had to get everything on my list checked off (well, almost everything), and this was my reward. I’m loving the stories, the pictures, and just hearing what’s going on. I must say that Monday…
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So, I don’t know if everybody knows this, but I was just asked (a few days back) to teach Ancient Near East History at the same school where I work in the afternoons. So, in my frantic searching for materials I pulled out some of the fun magic spells and incantations that I had lying…
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