
Oblivious Thanks

We’re in Roanoke, Virginia this week celebrating Thanksgiving and having family togetherness here with my incredibly large and awesome family. Last night before our very large Thanksgiving meal, we began with a family tradition that has been growing over the past few years. We began with a short worship service. I usually lead in a…
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Squirrel Madness

Last Saturday at Freedom Park in Charlotte


Today at WCC. 1. Forever (Tomlin – An oldie but a goodie. Probably one of the best worship songs he ever wrote. Simple melody. Great lyrics. Strong, biblical truth. Perfect for congregational worship. Just a great tune all around.) 2. Here is Our King (Crowder – this was off of his A Collision CD back…
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Tozer on Experiencing God’s Presence

I came across this statement today while re-reading Tozer’s Knowledge of the Holy. It’s amazing how this book speaks directly into the heartbeat of contemporary mainstream Christianity, though it is six decades old. Check this out: Concerning the omnipresence of God and its connection to how we as believers experience the living God, Tozer says,…
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Wickham’s Freebies

One of my favorite artists right now is Phil Wickham. The other day I came across this entire album that he is giving away free for download on his website. It’s in my iPod now. It’s called “Singalong” and it’s killer–a live worship experience with Phil and about 3000 people worshipping together with nothing but…
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